Dog Breeds

all dog breeds information

In our catalog you can find all the famous names of dog breeds with photos, videos, descriptions and FCI-standard.
Each breed has its own characteristics, which supports people. Dog breed specific produces offspring that transmits all of its features.
Today in the world there are more than 500 names of dog breeds. There are both very rare, with a small population and so very popular.
To simplify the search for a name of the dog that you need, we have combined the most popular breed of dog in the group.

Breed Tags

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Latest Dog Articles

Care of puppy: the first meeting.
Care of puppy: the first meeting.

Purchase and births of puppy it is possible bravely tocompare to appearance of new family member it isnecessary in earnest to prepare to that, in order that passedmaturing of domestic favourite in a comfort and acceptableto him situation.

Caring for a puppy: bathing and hygiene
Caring for a puppy: bathing and hygiene

Cleanliness and hygiene of your pet is the key to his good health, so in this problem must begin seriously, since the first days after the birth of a puppy.

Puppy home alone
Puppy home alone

When we decide to have a puppy, no matter what breed, we, together with new and quite pleasant emotions and gain a lot of unpleasant moments. Small puppy - this is the same child, but watch out for that sometimes is more difficult than for the child. Chil

Everything you wanted to know about your dog: wool
Everything you wanted to know about your dog: wool

Are there any dogs in the stomach hairballs? If you compare a dog with a cat, the dogs did not strongly monitor your hygiene. Dogs love lain in a different moldy stuff, bathe in dirty water, and even will not oppose whose eating - that excrement. And it i

Tips novice dog breeder
Tips novice dog breeder

A complete and accurate answer for you, no one can give, because it all depends on many factors, the life of a breeder. By and large it all depends on the purpose for which purchased the dog, who will care for her, where you'll have it, and where and by w

Methods of teaching a puppy
Methods of teaching a puppy

Establish a connection with a young puppy can by feeding him from his earliest days. The puppy should pnyat you for it - the power supply. She should realize this and get used to you as an owner. The same way you can teach your puppy to respond to his nic