African grey parrots for adoption


Pet Breed: African Grey Parrot, 800$

Advert Details

Arizona, Phoenix, 85005
African Grey Parrot
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Advice when buying a African Grey Parrot

  • We are not responsible for transactions for animals you find on this site
  • Check out the sellers. Make certain they are legitimate
  • Never pay via Western Union or Money Gram
  • Check out the transporter of the animals
  • Read about African Grey Parrot breed to research and find out more about this breed
  • Make your own arrangements for transporting your new animal
  • Ask for phone numbers and addresses of sellers, then google them
  • When purchasing registered animals, ask for pedigrees
  • Make sure the shipping company has a USDA license and can be checked out with the BBB


African grey parrots are very friendly pets like puppies. We show them love as these species are very intelligent and friendly birds.

We have them for rehoming, Rescue looking for new post for more information (774) 264-8063


Pet Type: Birds
Pet Type: Birds
Pet Type: Birds

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