You should know that to start training, you will have to sacrifice some place at home to "animal toilet". To begin with, you should limit the movement of the puppy around the house to some small area, and put there newspapers. Be sure to praise your puppy after he eased himself on a newspaper that he knew that walking on it - it's right. Then, everything is simple, gradually, we put away a newspaper every day and watch that the puppy would not ease himself on the floor, just on the space covered with newspapers. Thus, we are reducing the number of newspapers to one. Once the puppy knew that going to the toilet should be done on such a piece of paper and copes with this simple thing easily, you can remove the restriction of movement of the dog in the house.
In order not to clean a dozen times the floor in the corner of a puppy every day, the next step move the paper in the tray. The puppy has remembered how the newspaper looks and smells, he knows that this is the toilet and he will ease himself on the newspaper in the tray. Agree, it is easier to out the tray than wash the floors.
Moreover, the last step is to teach him to go to the toilet on the street. Once the dog has reached the age at which street walks are already allowed, we can begin to teach our puppy. We go out on the street, around the time when the dog eases himself, usually immediately after sleep or after a short time after meals, and we take the newspaper. It would be nice, if it was that she had lain down in front of it in the tray, for small, the corresponding "smell". We put the dog on the street on a newspaper and by crook trying to persuade to go to the toilet. Right - praised, gave sweets, making it clear that it is correct. Do so during every walk. It should be noted, that a small puppy should walk on the street for at least 5 times a day. Otherwise - washing floors in the building is inevitable. Accustom the puppy to go to the toilet on the street, originally, in the same place that it would have been easier for the dog to remember. Always, when the dog eased itself at home, you need with strict, but not angry voice, scold the dog, make it clear that this is not right, and immediately take it to the street. Conversely, if the dog did everything right you should praise him and give some treats.