African Serval Kittens Available


Pet Breed: Serval, Free

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South Africa
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Advice when buying a Serval

  • We are not responsible for transactions for animals you find on this site
  • Check out the sellers. Make certain they are legitimate
  • Never pay via Western Union or Money Gram
  • Check out the transporter of the animals
  • Read about Serval breed to research and find out more about this breed
  • Make your own arrangements for transporting your new animal
  • Ask for phone numbers and addresses of sellers, then google them
  • When purchasing registered animals, ask for pedigrees
  • Make sure the shipping company has a USDA license and can be checked out with the BBB


Stunning African Serval Kittens Available. Place your Order here:


Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats
Pet Type: Cats

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