Many families, choosing a dog try to combine two concepts in one animal: a friend and a guard. It is quite difficult to choose a breed in which these qualities are combined in equal measure. For example, shepherd is a common breed, but the service quality is more developed than communicating with family. Such dogs as Dachshunds, Pekingese, Yorkshire, and small breeds are difficult to call guards because of the size. Although Dachshunds, taking into account they are used as hunting dogs, they will fight to the last for their property. Therefore, I would like to offer one specific breed, which will be a great friend for the whole family and at the same time will protect your property. I am talking about the American Stafforshire terrier.
Representatives of this breed do not have a natural distrust and wariness of people. Therefore, specifically for guard service these dogs are not suitable: it will not be able to attack a man on command. Although, when the dog is used as a fighting dog, it is quite possible. Nevertheless, the owners do not think about the fact that it violates its psychology and entails serious consequences, the outcome of which no one will predict.
In fact, these dogs are initially set to please its master. As you wish. The animal is very kind, beautiful, especially at its home. In addition, there is a misconception that you cannot have guests at your house if you have such a dog. Stafforshire terriers, in the presence of other people, either behave according to how much they can trust them, neutral or show interest. In this, their behavior is similar to a cat behavior. They will behave especially quietly if they clearly understand the owners are not in danger. If there is a threat, the animal changes. The dog in any case will allow something to happen with you. Good and sociable animal that it was before becomes aggressive and intractable animal if it feels danger. Any person will not help to calm the dog down. It starts to growl, its eyes are rapacious, and the animal will be ready at any moment to rush to the abuser to could protect its family. However, if you give the dog to understand that all is well - the animal will take a starting position and its aggression will be over, although it will treat with vigilance to someone, once he will be on the other part of the door.
Keeping issues of such breed
An important question in its keeping - food. If you get a Shar Pei, Pomeranian Spitz, or a Pug - then it would be simple and clear: milk, porridge, curd. In addition, you have a powerful, sturdy, large dog. Curd for bones and teeth, the cereal for the intestine, but it is important not to forget about the fact that this breed has very strong jaws, which must be maintained in good shape. To do this, the animal needs animal feed: meat and bones. For puppies meat is better to boil - their digestive system is tenderer and it is better to help it work. Adult dogs, if possible, should be given the meat in large pieces that the animal was able to tear it off thus training the jaw, but not just pick up and chew small pieces. Buy it big bones so it has something to chew. Tubular bones are best of all: humerus, ulna, and tibia. Only it is important to monitor the condition of the gums. Stafforshire terriers crack bones into tiny chips that can hurt and are stuck, causing festering. In addition, it is important that the dog always had fresh water. Especially in summer. Although its hair is short, but thick and warm. Cold water helps to regulate body temperature. Another feature of the feeding is high content of proteins in the food. Anyone who has ever seen a well-groomed dog of this breed can say they have a well-developed musculature. That needs gluten. For example, once or twice a week give your pet legumes. Nevertheless, do not overcarry. You can give raw eggs, but again, it would be better if the eggs were home to a greater confidence in their safety for the dog.
Some breeders, who are preparing a dog for dog shows and competitions give the dog a small amount of beer or baby food to gain weight and muscle mass.
Walking and training the dog
For your pet always was in good shape and looked healthy and cheerful it has to walk as much as possible. While walking pay a lot of attention to running: they like chasing sticks and bottles. Balls in this case are not suitable; because they immediately begin to crack, tear the prey. Bottles are crushed to fine crumbs, sticks are turned into chips. These dogs like the following: you lower the branch of a tree for it to affordable levels; it jumps and hangs on it. Then there are two options: either it floundering on it just bites it off or will hang up until the jaws allow (and it can last for a long time). In the future, it will be enough to attract the attention of the animal rustling leaves in the bushes, and it will happily do its biting case. This exercise strengthens jaw muscles well, massages the gums, which helps to prevent dental problems, their loss.
Winter is the best time to strengthen the limbs. Especially hind legs need training. If you have a child, it will be an added attraction for him. The best exercise is to tussle cargo. In any pet store, you can buy a special collar for rides. Thus, your child on a sled and the dog tied by the collar, you decide two questions: dog training, and entertainment for children. Do not worry; it is safe for your child. Stafforshire terriers, especially females, are very protective of the children.
It is important to remember that Stafforshire terriers are very strong and powerful dogs, and if apply force, not even on purpose, they can hurt you. One of the most dangerous option, if you are the owner of the male dog. During the walk, it may happen that the animal feels close the lady dog with estrus or a cat and see if the dog is not trained enough - it can chase the object of attention. It is important to know that for those breeds that are prone to pull because of their natural curiosity, or reflexes, and thus may harm the owner, there are special snatch chains. In that case, when the dog begins to rapidly break, the chain tightens around its neck and presses it. By reflexes, the dog is back to its original position. In that case, if you have a normal leash, and the dog is still torn and applies in this effort, try to divert it any way you like. It is also important: never wind the leash on your hand - in a case if you cannot cope with the animal, and it pulled you along. When the leash is loosely held in your hand - you can dramatically let it go, avoiding in the first place that the dog will pull you along through the puddles, pits, fences (it is unlikely you will be able to develop the same speed as the dog). Second, if the animal can pull with enough force to knock your joint or pull cords. In any case, knowing these details you can avoid any unpleasant situation and grow up a loyal pet and a reliable defender.