Golden Retriever breeders in Maryland

Catalog of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed in US by Maryland State.

Here is a list of official dog breeders of the Golden Retriever breed. Our website is to help everyone who wants to buy dogs of a certain breed find responsible and reliable breeder in the US.

We strongly recommend you to check information about nurseries on other resources and read reviews about them on the internet to protect yourself from scammers since we cannot vouch for each nursery. Insist on visiting the nursery yourself; check all official documents.

Each page displays information about nurseries that we have found in the US by Maryland State. You are provided with a list of breeders with the name, contacts, and official website, which always contains up-to-date information on which puppies are currently available for sale.


Breed Golden Retriever
United Kingdom,Scotland
45-80 lbs
10-12 years
If you would like to learn more about the Golden Retriever breed, we suggest you check out this page.

List of Golden Retriever in Maryland State

Breeder Name Location of breeder Website
Braveheart Kennels USA, MD, 21777
Maryland Puppies Online USA, MD, 21014
Braveheart Kennels & Game Bird USA, MD, 21790
Gleneden Goldendoodles USA, MD, 21718
Quailridge Poodles and Doodles USA, MD, 20646
River Rock Labradors USA, MD, 21639
Steele Labradors USA, MD, 21660
Milltowne Labrador Retrievers USA, MD, 21765
Farmstead Kennels USA, MD, 20624
Sweetwater Labradors USA, MD, 21666
Maryland Doodles USA, MD, 21742
K-9 Training Center USA, MD, 21904
Southern Maryland Labs USA, MD, 20639
Twin Oak Retrievers USA, MD, 21668
Belquest Kennels USA, MD, 21771
Deep Hollow Labrador Retrievers USA, MD, 21704
Golden Moon Farms USA, MD, 21108
Belquest Conclusion Labrador Retrievers USA, MD, 21771
Bold Bay Retrievers USA, MD, 21601
Golden Moon Labradors USA, MD, 21532
Al-Bark Kennels USA, MD, 21550
Farmstead s Puppy Paradise USA, MD, 20624
Mount Airy Retrievers USA, MD, 21771
Victorias Pups and /or Morning Spring Kennel USA, MD, 20842
Charms Goldens USA, MD, 21132
D s Golden Delights USA, MD, 21918
Promise Land Goldens USA, MD, 21122
Liberty Run Golden Retrievers USA, MD, 21784
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Or check out a list of all breeders in your country.
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You can also learn more about how to take care of puppies in our blog.