How to take care of a dog?


Sure, dogs need training. Dogs mustn’t be trained till they’re 4 months. Only from this age the dog perceives commamnds and it opens its intellect. It is necessary to correctly give commands. The voice must be strong and confident.

Hair care is also important. Hair’s quality depends on dog's feeding. Don’t give the dog all the goodies. Never give it bones. The bone is a toy. Many vets advise to buy bones with rounded edges. Don't give it cooked bones. Try to give it natural food as much as you can. No one cooks porridge in nature. Dogs are predators.

Each breed and each age group require certain food. Dry food is good. Every breed needs different feeding. It grows better on dry food. Porridge is carbohydrates and they aren't absorbed in dog's organism.

The basis of the natural feeding should include protein, meat, some cereals such as rice and buckwheat, carrots, zucchini, pepper, pumpkin, low-fat cultured milk food. Natural products require time for cooking.

The diet should be balanced depending on the age of the dog. This is the whole process of cooking. Sporting dogs need much proteins. Don't give food from the table. In some cases, the animal may have an allergic reaction to the dry feed. Don't feed the little puppy with large granules because it can't chew them and begins to choke. You should begin with small, but not large portions.

Dry feed should only of Premium and Super Premium class. If you buy dry feed of the middle or economy class, then they cause harm for your pet, because they contain conservants. Don't mix dry feed with natural products, as dry feed is already balanced.

Feed an adult dog twice a day. Raw chicken and liver contain amino acids therefore they're useful for dogs. Sausage and pork aren’t suitable for dogs because fat meat is harmful for them. Apples are very useful because they remove toxins from their organisms. Don't give it chocolate. It contains cocoa, which violates the cardiac function of the animals

Feed puppies with milk up to 4 months because it doesn't assimilate later. Dairy products may cause diarrhea. You can give it boiled fish 1-2 times a week but without bones. Ham contain a cortical bones so you cannot give them. You can't give it bread, potatoes and buns because they contain fast carbohydrates. Sorrel is very dangerous, because it contains oxalic acid. Garlic is one of the most poisonous products for dogs because dog's gastric juice doesn't contain enzymes which could degrade the garlic. You can give it cauliflower, beetroots, carrots, parsley and dill every day.