Products dangerous and badly affecting the health of the dogs


Products that are also suitable for human consumption, as well as other animals, can be highly toxic and poisonous to dogs, which poses a serious threat to her health and well-being. Because all of the animals have different metabolic rate. Metabolism is the process of breaking down food and convert it into energy.

Here's the food unfit for canine use:

Alcohol - Many of us have seen in what festival or whether the dog accidentally spilled drink alcohol and then behaves stupidly, to the delight of the crowd. Although it may look like fun, but not for the dog. Alcohol can cause not only drunkenness, lack of coordination, bad breath, and abnormal acidity, but potentially even coma or death.

Apple seeds - are harmful because they contain natural cyanide, produced by digestion.

Avocado - can cause diarrhea, vomiting, and heart attack.

Chicken and fish bones - dangerous because it can damage the digestive tract of the dog. If a piece of bone pierce the inside, the animal will die.

Candies and chewing gum - containing sugar and chemicals. Excessive release of insulin can lead to renal failure.

Xylitol - is in chewing gum, candy, baked goods. Xylitol is not causing any obvious harm to humans, is extremely toxic to dogs. A small amount of easily cause low blood sugar, seizures, liver failure, and death of your puppy.

Cat food - food that contains proteins and fats, which are focused on the diet of cats, but not dogs. The level of protein and fat in feed for cats are too high for your dog.

Chocolate - This refers not only sugar, but also theobromine, and other substances that are toxic, cause shortness of breath, vomiting, and diarrhea, damage to the heart and nervous system of the dog.

Citrus oil extract - can cause allergies and vomiting.

Coffee - almost the same thing, that and chocolate. It is, in fact, poison for your dog.

Corn on the cob - very poorly digested, so getting into the small intestine, large piece overlaps it. You have to remove it surgically. In addition, too much corn kernels poorly digested. You should not overfeed your pet corn.

Fat, especially the fried - can cause pancreatitis .

Grapes and raisins - Many dog ​​owners do not know that grapes contain a toxin that can cause severe damage to the liver and kidneys. We've heard stories about dogs who died from a handful of grapes.

Hops - ingredient in beer. The use of hops can cause shortness of breath, increased heart rate, fever, convulsions and even death.

Vitamins for men - iron, usually a member of the harms the digestive system. It is toxic to the liver and kidneys.

Liver - Avoid constant and abundant feeding the liver. The liver contains a lot of vitamin "A", which negatively affects the bones and muscles of the dog.

Marijuana - negatively affects the nervous system and heart rate, causes vomiting.

Milk - Most adult dogs are lactose intolerant, they do not have the enzyme that would properly digest dairy products.

Mushrooms - Just as the wrong mushroom can be fatal for humans and for dogs. Do not mess with them.

Onions, garlic and chives - Despite the form in which they are located, it is one of the worst choices of food that you can offer your puppy. They are poisonous to dogs , and even more so for cats. They contain disulfides and thiosulfate, and lead to anemia and damage to the erythrocytes.

Meals for children - in itself is not harmful, just make sure it does not contain onions.

Persimmons, peaches, and plums - if you live in an area where there are persimmon, peach or plum, beware. Bones of these fruits cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.

Raw Eggs - The most obvious problem here is related to salmonella. But they also contain an enzyme -inhibiting absorption of vitamin "B". Your dog without biotin can not maintain a healthy skin and coat .

Raw fish - Another vitamin "B", its deficiency may occur as a result of regular use of this product. Loss of appetite is first, followed by seizures, and in rare cases, death. And in the river and lake fish worms are usually present.

Salt - not the healthiest thing for the people, and even less healthy for dogs. Too much salt can lead to an imbalance of electrolyte levels, dehydration and diarrhea.

Sugar - Too much sugar will lead to dental problems, obesity and even diabetes.

Tobacco - Nicotine is more dangerous to dogs than to people. Nicotine increases the heart rate, fainting , and ultimately death.

Raw yeast dough - like yeast raised bread, also will expand and grow the dough in your puppy's stomach. Eating a large amount of raw dough to break the stomach and intestines.

Old food - all kinds of bacteria and toxins that can harm the health of your dog.

Remains from your table usually contain the above products .

If poisoning dogs in any of these products are sure to immediately contact a veterinarian!

Keep your dog on a healthy diet!