Poodle, one of the five most famous breeds in the world


Poodle is an ancient race with a rich history.

Poodles are in need of special attention from the owner. And in everyday communication every day. This breed is different in that is divided into 4 size. Each size, ranging from dwarf to large need physical activity. Joint rather long walks lead them to the delight, they can move a lot, flirt with the host and with other dogs engaging them in new games. Watching this behavior, it can be concluded that the poodle dog with a sense of humor.

If poodle alone, it can attract the attention of the bad behavior. And this will upset you and will affect the whole family.

In general, this breed for the family, suitable for elderly people and children. Has a friendly nature and is characterized in that it wants to keep peace with others. The distinguishing feature of a large poodle that he can play the role of caretaker.

Evil people do not want problems in the form of a big, black poodle, weighing up to 30 kg.

Poodle has taken a special place in the hearts of a huge number of fans of dog breeders. Poodles attract attention to its special extraordinary appearance: an unusual gait and distinctive posture. Poodle is in charge of all ornamental rocks.

- Due to that the poodle has a large variety of abilities, he is one of the most beloved dogs in all countries. In the statistics of the reference book "The World Almanac" in America, recorded more than 1.5 million of various breeds of dogs. Poodle takes pride of first place. After all, this thing has countless unique talents. Even the smallest size has the hunting skills, able to guard, incredibly agile, has a subtle scent and just created in order to be trained. The ability to understand people and a distinctive appearance along with devotion and love of life is helping many to make their choice in favor of this breed. After all, only this breed can provide a wide range in color and size of the dog.

Due to their getting on with everyone, very few expressed the ability to attack, the constant need someone - that protect and patronize, poodle immensely tied to the owner, knows how to suck up to him, and the exact copy of its action. Children cause such a breed enthusiasm, friendliness and love, so he admits perform with a different childishness and all sorts of games. Also poodle great companion for elderly people. His good-natured character is extremely suitable for the elderly. He knows how to listen, easy to contact, and when his master was ill, poodle more sensitive, as if aware that need help. There are many stories like poodles cheered up a man, and even taught him. After all, the company's poodle behaves very politely and patiently in the right situations, but to be one, for it is unacceptable. Alone, he can do bad things, chew shoes, soil cover, whine and bark.

If you accidentally lose sight of the dog owner on the street, he may have familiarity with the new man, but will continue persevering search of his master.

In conclusion, characteristic of this beautiful dog, a popular wildlife researcher Alfred Brehm: poodle actually help at the right time, understanding, and show love and affection, smile and sad, jump with happiness and joy, and having lost the host, do not touch the food, in the words of person of his master can understand what is happening. Understands the feelings of guilt, determines the time of day and gets along great with the world.