Pharaoh Hound is a piece of ancient Egypt


Comparing the images on Egyptian papyrus with a real dog, I would like to mention dogs of this breed are very intelligent. They often think over owner's commands, agrees with him or disagrees. You should keep this feature in mind while training a pet of this breed. In general, Pharaoh Hound strives to take its own decision and can easily ignore the owner's command, if they seem silly to it.
Dogs of this breed, in every movement, show their authoritativeness. It's seen in everything: from look to confident, easy steps next to the master. Pharaoh Hound usually finds common language with other dogs and people. They are very open and affectionate with their family and those whom know.
It's hard not to pay attention to a dog with its exotic exterior. Not everyone can get such a rare and expensive breed of dog. It has large upright ears and long neb. Hair is short and thin.The hair is silky, sometimes harsh, lying close to the skin. Dogs of this breed have different deep reddish-brown color. The sleek body is always fit and intense. These dogs are of medium sizes, their height usually does not exceed 60 cm, and the weight of the dog can be 18-27 kg. Dogs of this breed are slender and elegant, but have strong enough athletic body ..
Buying a dog of this breed, dog handlers don't recommend to keep the dog in an apartment where small animals are. Since they have well-developed hunting instinct and they see more small animals as an object of hunting. Pharaoh dogs feel comfortable in the house - close to the master, to the family. Walks are of great importance in dog's life. Although I think daily walks on a leash aren't enough for them. To become a happy dog ​​it really needs a good run to expend the energy inherent in the breed.
It should be noted the Pharaoh Hound is very clean and doesn't cause any trouble to the master. Just clean the dog with wet gloves sometimes and wash it wih a shampoo if it's dirty.
The only it's drawback is that the dog can't adapt to severe and long winters. Wear it in warm jumpsuit for a walk. Finally, I want to mention, don't keep Pharaoh Hound as a guard, because it isn't aggressive with people.