

Papillon - a miniature spaniel, who was bred for ornamental purposes. These dogs were popular in France and Spain, they lived at the royal palaces of Louis XIV, and in the chambers of Madame de Pompadour. At that time they were called continental dwarf spaniel. This breed was divided into two types: the moth and butterfly. Moth - a dog-papillon with erect ears, and the butterfly - it Phalen, ie dog with hanging ears; Other differences between the two types is not. Papillon - dog is very small, it has always been a favorite of aristocratic households, they are often depicted in artwork alongside their masters. Epoch Titian gave a special popularity Papillon, in the paintings of that time they were portrayed in all its glory: white-red, with huge ears, butterflies and soft flowing hair. Now the image of the Papillon has not changed.

Over time, dwarf spaniels with hanging ears in France began to disappear, they gradually began to displace spaniel with erect ears. Pinna dogs mutate and become too thick, because the ear is inevitably raised. It was found that the dwarf spaniel crossed with Spitz, and thus dogs eventually turned into real Papillons. Breeding Papillons and Phalen engaged in France until the XX century. As a result of constant crossing, Papillon and faleny began to look more perfect, to improve their physique, wool became more dense structure.

Dogs of this breed are not kept in kennels, as they are very moody. Dog totally unsuitable for keeping in cages. They need prolonged contact with the person as too sensitive. Papillon and faleny only live in families almost never participate in exhibitions. In Russia, the breed appeared in 1998 and was first presented at the exhibition.

Papillon and Phalen in nature resemble typical spaniels, they affectionate and very attached to people. Creek and rudeness act on them destructively. The owner must be gentle, and the dog, for that to please him, will do everything possible. Doggie must feel that the need for stronger leaders, namely - the man.

Papillon has a cheerful disposition and irrepressible. His excellent memory and enterprising disposition allows to foresee all the actions of the owner. Papillon quite playful and lively, easy to taming. Phalen more calm, he Papillon lower growth. Its weight varies from 2 kg to 4 kg. The dog is very balanced, and in her genes more prevalent hunting skills. If Phalen walk in the forest, it is very much on the behavior: he always pokes its face to all the burrows and nests breaks. Papillon and Phalen - dogs are incredibly pleasant in all respects and are great companions of people. They are very smart, and faster than any other dogs find the right solution in a given situation. This proves that the mental capacity and Papillon falena are at a high enough level.

If dwarf spaniel long remain one, it has a bad effect on his psyche. Doggies need constant communication with the person. No other dogs or pets are not replace him human. So before you start a dog of this breed, consider whether you can be constantly near. Papillon - lapdog, which can be kept in an apartment or a room. They do not chew the furniture and do not tear the wallpaper. Enough to explain the age of the puppy dog how to behave, and everything will be fine. Generally to training a puppy should be treated carefully. Papillon can be trained to go to the toilet in the "cat" tray. It is also possible for the walking of the inability to teach him to pee on newspapers, which gently remove. Papillon does not require long walks on the street, it can relieve the cool balcony. Papillons are very fond of children, but children should not be mistreated with the dog, because the dog is very vulnerable. Papillon never bite in order to protect, so too energetic kids can zatyukat dog to fright.

Papillon has a thick coat that does not require user maintenance other than regular combing. Comb dog need after walking a wire brush. The ears and tail have long thick fur, they need to pay a lot of attention. Papillon should wash when dirty, since wool is mostly white, you do it often enough. Protein Shampoo is perfect for the dog after washing hair can dry hair dryer. Hair on the ears and tail with proper courtship beautiful falls down, making the perfect Papillon.