Do you want a fun and mischievous pet? Get a basset!


Let us find out where it has appeared from and why this breed is so remarkable - basset.

Generally, the first images of dogs, very similar to modern bassets, were seen at the Egyptian frescoes, which have more than 4000 years. It is believed the basset is the oldest breed of earth dogs. The progenitor of the modern basset is, according to historians, stunted greyhound.

Stable breeding of this breed began in Germany in the 16th century. In Europe, the basset appeared in the 19th century, but mostly as lap breed, not hunting. It was believed that the basset in the house, was a symbol of prosperity and well-being of the family.

Bassets were bred for hunting badgers, beavers and other burrowing animals, and later for fox hunting. Often this breed was called "beaver dog" or "earth dog". The heyday of the breed falls on the late feudal period, when there is a lot of cities in which ordinary people got themselves bassets for hunting, easy to keep at home and do not require large expense.

The first attempts to breed bassets by size dated to the end of the 20th century. At the beginning of this century, these experiments have been extremely effective. Thus, there were miniature and rabbit bassets. This was because in areas holes with sandy soil are so small that the usual basset could not simply get there.

Let us consider the distinctive features of this interesting and unique breed.

The breed is classified by type of hair: on longhaired, shorthaired and wire-haired; by size: standard, miniature and rabbit bassets.

The average weight of an adult basset is about 9 kg, miniature - 4.5-5 kg, and rabbit basset no more than 3.5 kg.

Appearance: the dog has long body, short legs, standing firmly on the ground, the fore feet are slightly larger than hind feet, elongated snout, hanging, rounded at the end ears, chest has an impressing "keel", the tail is round, and in normal circumstances, it is slightly below the level of back, when the dog is excited, it sticks up. The color is diverse.

Bassets have high intelligence; they are courageous, energetic, and sometimes stubborn. This is a very devoted breed. The dog has a quiet strong character, very inquisitive, moderately aggressive to strangers, easily gets along with family members of the owner. Often it chooses the place most comfortable for it in the house. It is very playful and affectionate; it is easy to train it.

In terms of keeping, bassets are very comfortable and unpretentious. Bathe your dog once or twice a year; do not bathe pups of 4.5-5 months old. Longhaired and wirehaired need to be combed with specially selected brush, shorthaired must be wiped with a towel.

Let us summarize our acquaintance with the basset, this extremely interesting and unique breed. This dog is easy to keep, take care of and train. It is suitable for the keeping in the apartment and a private house. It is an affectionate family pet, a reliable defender and a skilled hunter. Getting a basset, you will not be disappointed in your choice even for a minute.