German shepherd


German Shepherds cope with social stress excellently. They become excellent guide dogs, security guards and loyal friends.

Dogs of this breed have a high intelligence and good-natured disposition. They suit well for families with children and other animals; sheep dogs get along well with everyone.

German Shepherds are quite large dogs, and their height at the withers is 65 cm. It has a muscular physique and high-set ears. These dogs have very beautiful and intelligent eyes, reflecting the richness of the inner world of the animal.

Sheepdogs are very active and need intense physical exertion. Such a dog often needs long walks and play outdoor games.

Education and training

German Shepherds are great trainable and perform any order. They cope well with the role of police officers and search dogs.

Health and care

Hair of the healthy Shepherd should shine, and its eyes should be clear and clean. Dog's nose is usually quite wet and cold, but after training, or sleep, it can be dry, it does not mean health problems and should not make the owner to worry.

Loss of appetite, desire to hide and refuse to respond to the call of the owner tell you about health problems. Any of these reasons is the reason to visit a vet immediately.

German shepherd's nutrition should be balanced and regular, and the content of vitamins and minerals in the diet should be sufficient to maintain the health of the animal. Dog's diet depends on various factors: the time of year, the animal's age, climate, etc. A vet will give additional recommendations after the first examination of the dog.

German shepherd will be more than just a pet. Thanks to good character, high intelligence and devotional character, this dog becomes a full-fledged family member very soon.