Dog breeds with unusual appearance


Chinese crested dog Hairless dog or Chinese .

Four dogs were taken to the UK and to breed. Now the breed is recognized around the world. This unusual breed of dog is small. Height 25-33 cm adult dog weighs about 2.5-5 kg. She has on the body is not the coat and the skin is very smooth, thin and delicate, can get burned from the sun's rays can not tolerate dampness and cold.

Face and head long. On the head - crest, thick and lush. Foot-mounted hair should not grow above the hock and wrist. Can any coat color. Skin is soft, can be of different colors. The nature of this breed dogs are friendly with all members of the family, very affectionate. Very afraid of bathing in hot and cold water.

Hungarian Komondor or shepherd.

Service dog. It is a national Hungarian breed dogs shepherds. Outside the country , these giants of the original rare. In the U.S., the Hungarian sheepdogs are in police custody. These dogs natural instinct to protect it. This dog is a strong, solid build. Growth of the adult male of about 80 cm and females - 65 - 70 cm No Limits to Growth. The most important thing is the addition of proportionality. Adult weight 40 -60kg dog . The muzzle is broad enough and seemingly rough. Tail average length and slightly curved end. Komondor features a long rough coat that forms a rope. In the full-length wool vyrostaet when the dog reaches two years of age. It is best to describe this dog's fur suit word dreadlocks. Coat color is always white. Harsh, inflexible, this dog - a reliable defender and a loyal friend of the family. Dog free to live in the house and on the street and not fastidious in the content.

Paran Pharaoh Hound or a dog.

About the origin of this dog debate. According to one version of these dogs are completely irrelevant to Egypt does not have, and that these myths - the result of fraud in the XX century. But on the other this breed is more 5000 years.

At the pharaohs but bright exterior is unusual character traits , unusual for other dogs. In a fit of joy Pharaoh dog smile stretched her lips and wrinkle their nose. If the dog is guilty before the master, the Pharaoh blush ears, nose and eye stroke! They are very conscientious dog. Flexibility, speed of response and agility of these dogs amazes even the most experienced dog owners.

The Pharaohs are great for keeping in the apartment, it is perfectly suitable city dog ​​, contrary to popular belief . In the house of Pharaoh dogs behave quite calmly and quietly, and not wander around the apartment, knocking all down.

The height of adult males at the withers 56-65 cm and 53-61 cm for females. Big and strong, graceful and elegant folded dog with a majestic bearing. Tall, muscular neck, well in harmony with the proportions of the head and Tula.

The Pharaohs are very, sociable dog, but distrustful of strangers. They are very lyubopytnytnye and fearless. They are very clever and intelligent dogs are easy to train and educate. Although still a small indiscipline for them will remain inherent .