Chinese crested dog


With strangers, crested dog is behaving suspiciously and cautiously, but shows no aggression. Pet should always be in someone - that society, because they can not endure loneliness. They get sad and they feel worthless. The dog is so sweet and friendly that it is able to reconcile the people and establish a close relationship. Pet quickly becomes accustomed to the owner and loves him alone. You can not bring that dog and hurt. After all, its most sincere feelings in the world. The dog is very hard in new places, especially if she has a new terrain no friends. In most cases, crested dog is shy and timid. When the animal is bored or worried, she starts to bark loudly, and it will be a big problem for people. From childhood to deal with the Chinese crested dog. But training should be soft and insistent. If you do it is important that the dog performs a variety of commands and tricks, this breed is what you need. It is easy to train all kinds of commands, jumping over various obstacles, walking on their hind legs, and more. The dog is always trying to please his master. She is ready to do everything just to host was happy. With the small size of the dog. It looks elegant and beautiful. The hair of the animal is not everywhere, but only on the tail, legs and head. Wool is very soft and vualeobraznaya. There are two types of breed Chinese Crested Dog, namely mobile species and stocky, where a heavy body. Now sometimes occurs, and an intermediate type of dog. Chinese crested dog temperament is very funny, and evil never happens. Talking about the exterior dog, then the head is elongated, the skull is slightly rounded. Forehead to muzzle goes smoothly. Looking a bit wary. The dog's lips are thin and dry. Pet dark eyes. This color is so dark that it seems that the eyes are black. Set eyes wide. The ears are on your head low. The jaw of a dog is very strong, has a correct bite. If the upper and lower teeth are covered on the jaws. Neck elongated and graceful, folds her not available. Chinese crested dog is always proudly carries his head. As for the pet's body, then it smooth and beautiful shoulders, which are brought back. Paws slender, fluffy and long. The body of the dog is quite flexible. The thorax of a dog is deep and wide, the edges do not buckle. Dog taut tummy. Its tail, crested dog is tall and proud. He likes to move his tail from side to side. Move freely in the main, elegantly and smoothly.