Cat manners


Cat's house

Cat's passion for boxes is well-known: nce the fluffy sees the box, it immediately tries to "settle" there. Scientists say: the reason is the cat's instinct. The ancestors of modern cats had difficult life: they had to hunt to have food. At the same time it was necessary always to be alert, because if wild cat was heedless at any time it could become a prey of larger predators. So any it place hide at was vital important to it. In the hollow of a tree or a sunken log or in a small burrow constructed by any other animal, the cat could hide from other predators. And the shelter was very convenient to be as an observation post or ambush: they could relax in the warmth and comfort and waiting, when any careless mouse or bird were next to it. In addition, cats could brood in such shelters. After all, it is warmer in such houses, cats like them a lot, and the desert is the home for them. In general, the cat needs a home too!

Ship of the desert

Many cat's owners were surprised to notice their pets don't want to drink water from the saucer, which is placed next to their bowl of food. Instead, they are happy to lap up tea from master's cup, drink water straight from the tap and even from the toilet. Often masters begin to worry: maybe they do not like water quality or are not satisfied with its freshness? The answer is in its instincts. As the researchers found, the progenitors of modern cats lived in the Fertile Crescent - a territory in the Middle East, where modern Lebanon, Syria, Israel, Iraq and southern areas of Turkey and the north of Jordan are situated. These southern regions have warm climate, such weather conditions known to be associated with an increased risk of developing some gastro-intestinal infection. Rodents hunted by cats are often carriers of various infections. In addition, cats sometimes can eat carrion and garbage from scrap-heap. Because of this kind of dietary habits ancestors of domestic cats "decided" to never drink in the places where they eat, because water can be poisoned by rodents or decay there. Of course, the modern home cats haven't to worry about the quality of water in their saucers, but the genes of animals still keep the instructions to eat and drink in different places. It is necessary to place water away from the food - and the cat is likely to lap it.

Special mark

How much trouble does a cat give the owner by its habit to sharpen claws at all appropriate (and particularly inappropriate!) surface. Often cats ignore special cat scratching posts: they prefer new armchair or expensive wallpaper in the living room. Scientists confirm that to when a cat sharpens its claws at new armchair it does a manicure itself and frees the claws from the old dead skin cells but leaves its mark, by which marks the area of ​​influence. The fact that the balls of cat's fpaws have sweat glands which humen nose can't smell. Cats are very jealous of what they consider their territory and nature makes them to continually update their odorous marks. So you can't teach your cat to sharpen its claws in specially designated areas: even if the beauty isn't worried about the "beauty of nails" but instincts still make her to scratch all that is possible to recall who's the boss. But if you manage the scratching post in the strategically important (from the cat's point of view) place, maybe it will help to minimize the damage of the furniture.