What is the Best Parrot Breed for An Apartment?


If you live in an apartment, you may have previously thought that owning a pet bird is out of the question. However, with proper care and attention, it is possible to keep pet birds while living in an apartment. In fact, small to medium-sized birds, such as parakeets, canaries, and finches, are well-suited to life in a smaller space. In this article, we will discuss the considerations and steps involved in keeping pet birds in an apartment setting.

When choosing a parrot as a pet, it's important to consider the size and noise level of the bird, as well as its specific care requirements. Some parrot species are better suited to life in an apartment than others. 

Bourke's parakeets

Bourke's parakeets

Bourke's parakeets, also known as Bourke's parrots or Bourke's cockatoos, are small, relatively quiet parrots native to Australia. They are named for Sir Richard Bourke, the Governor of New South Wales in the 1830s.
They are about seven inches in length and typically weigh between only 2 and 3 ounces. As you may be able to tell, these parakeets are quite a bit smaller than most other parrot species!

One of the standout features of Bourke's parakeets is their stunning plumage, which ranges in color from pale pink to deep rosy red. The males are easily identifiable by a beautiful blue color on their forehead, which is absent on the females.

Bourke's parakeets are known for their gentle disposition and ability to form strong bonds with their owners. They are highly social animals and should be kept in pairs or small groups, as they can become lonely and stressed if kept alone.

Meyer's parrot

Meyer's parrot

Meyer's parrots are small, intelligent parrots that are native to the savannas and woodlands of eastern and southern Africa. They are named after the German naturalist Bernhard Meyer, who first described them in the late 19th century.

Meyer's parrots are about 12 inches long, and they have a distinctive appearance, with a pale gray head, green body, and orange wings. They are known for their playful and curious nature, and they are often kept as pets due to their social and affectionate personalities.

Meyer's parrots are known to be quite vocal, and they are capable of making a variety of different sounds, including chirps, clicks, and whistles. However, they are generally not considered to be excessively loud, especially when compared to some other species of parrots.

That being said, every individual bird is different, and some Meyer's parrots may be louder than others. Of course, any parrot can be quite vocal, and they may make more noise if they are not getting enough attention or if they are feeling stressed or anxious. Providing your parrot with plenty of social interaction, mental stimulation, and a comfortable, peaceful environment can help to minimize excessive noise.

Quaker Parrots (Monk Parrots)

Quaker Parrots

Quaker parrots, also known as monk parrots or Quaker parakeets, are small parrots native to South America. They are named "Quaker" parrots because of the rhythmic quaking and trembling they exhibit when they are excited. Quaker parrots are intelligent and social birds that can make great pets if they are properly cared for and trained. Quaker parrots are native to the grasslands and forests of South America, and they are found in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Paraguay. They are small parrots, measuring about 10 inches in length and weighing about 3-4 ounces. Quaker parrots have a distinctive appearance, with a predominantly green body and a gray head.


Quaker parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech and other sounds, and they can learn a large vocabulary if they are trained and exposed to human speech from a young age. Many know them to be chatterboxes! They are also highly social birds that thrive on interaction with their human caregivers and other birds. Quaker parrots are generally easy to care for, but they do require a spacious cage, a varied diet, and plenty of mental and physical stimulation to stay healthy and happy.



Parrotlets are small parrots with a length of only about five to seven inches that are native to Central and South America. They are known for their playful and social personalities and make popular pets. There are several species of parrotlets, including the Pacific parrotlet, the Green-rumped parrotlet, and the Spectacled parrotlet.

They are generally green in color, with some species having blue or yellow markings. They are known for their acrobatic abilities and playful nature.
In the wild, parrotlets live in flocks and are known for their strong social bonds. They are also active and enjoy climbing and playing. As pets, parrotlets can be trained to do tricks and can be taught to talk, although they are not as proficient at mimicry and language as some other parrot species.

Overall, parrotlets are energetic and affectionate pets that can make a great addition to the right household. They are small enough to be kept in an apartment or house but still have the intelligence and personality of larger parrots.

Pionus parrot

Pionus parrot

Pionus parrots are a type of medium-sized parrot native to Central and South America. They are known for their calm, gentle disposition and make good pets for experienced bird owners. Pionus parrots are generally quiet birds and do not typically scream. In fact, they are known for being quite laid-back. Despite being laid back, they are not the most overly affectionate or cuddly of birds. But they are described as being friendly, just not particularly cuddly. They are intelligent and can learn to mimic words and phrases. However, they are not known for being as particularly skilled at talking as some other parrot species, such as the African gray or Amazon parrot.


These parrots come in a variety of colors, including green, and blue, but the blue-headed is the most common. They have a short, broad beak and a distinctive bare patch of skin around their eyes. Pionus parrots have a lifespan of 20-30 years in captivity with proper care.

In captivity, Pionus parrots also need plenty of opportunities for mental and physical stimulation, such as toys and enriching activities to keep them busy and entertained. These birds are generally not as demanding for attention as some other parrot species and can be left alone for short periods of time, but they still require plenty of quality time with their owners every day.




Parakeets are a type of small, brightly colored parrot. They are also sometimes called budgies. There are many different species of parakeets or budgies, and they are found in a variety of habitats throughout the world, including Australia, South America, and parts of Africa. They are known for their playful and energetic personalities, making them one of the most popular pet birds in the world today.


Parakeets are social birds and enjoy the company of other parakeets or birds. In the wild, they live in large flocks and are known for their vocalizations and ability to mimic sounds. They are also intelligent little birds, and many can be trained to do various tricks. While not entirely common, some can even learn to mimic words and phrases.

As pets, parakeets require a spacious cage with plenty of room to fly and exercise. It is important to provide them with plenty of mental and physical stimulation, such as toys and puzzles, to keep them happy and healthy.

Some species of parakeets can be quite vocal, while others are relatively quiet. This, of course, can vary based on the individual bird and its personality. In general, parakeets are not as loud as larger parrots, such as macaws or cockatoos, but they can still produce a fair amount of noise, especially when they are excited about a new snack or playing with their toys. It is important to consider the noise level of a parakeet when deciding whether to get one as a pet. They may not be suitable for people who live in close quarters, such as an apartment, or for those who are sensitive to noise. On the other hand, if you don't mind a little bit of noise and are willing to provide your parakeet with plenty of mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and prevent boredom, a parakeet can make a delightful companion in any home.




Lovebirds are small, brightly colored parrots native to Africa. They are called lovebirds because they are often seen sitting close together and grooming one another, giving the appearance of being in love. There are several different species of lovebirds, including the Fisher's lovebird, the Masked lovebird, and the Peach-faced lovebird. Lovebirds are social birds and should be kept in pairs when in captivity, as they can become lonely and stressed if kept alone. They are known for their playful and energetic personalities and can be very affectionate with their owners. In the wild, lovebirds live in large flocks and are known for their vocalizations and acrobatic flying abilities. They are generally hardy birds and can live for up to 15 years with proper care. They are intelligent birds and can be trained to do tricks and learn simple commands.



Lories are a type of parrot that are native to the tropical regions of Australia, New Guinea, and the surrounding islands. They are known for their brightly colored feathers and their ability to pollinate flowers as they feed on nectar. Lories are starting to become popular pets due to their playful and affectionate personalities. They are intelligent and can be trained to perform fun tricks. Like any pet, the noise level of a lory can also be influenced by its surroundings and how it is cared for. For example, a lory that is kept in a crowded or noisy environment may be more prone to making a lot of noise, while a lory that is well-socialized and receives plenty of attention from its owner may not feel the need to be as loud. It also helps if they have plenty of stimulating and enriching toys and activities to keep them occupied throughout the day.




Conures are a type of small to medium-sized parrot that are native to Central and South America. They are known for their bright, colorful feathers and playful personalities. There are many different species of conures, including the popular Green-Cheeked Conure and the Sun Conure. Conures are generally social and energetic birds that need a lot of attention and playtime. They are intelligent and can be trained to do simple tricks, but they can also be quite vocal and may be prone to screaming if they are not properly socialized and entertained. Conures can make great pets for people who have the time and patience to devote to them, but they may not be the best choice for those who live in apartments or other small living spaces due to their high energy levels and need for social interaction. However, with proper training, time, and dedication, they can learn to be more quiet and do quite well living in an apartment. It would still be best to have thick walls, though!

Senegal parrots

Senegal parrots

Senegal parrots are small, intelligent birds that make popular pets. They are native to West Africa. They are very active creatures and enjoy climbing and playing, so it is important that they have plenty of room to move around. Like most parrots, they may vocalize more when they are excited, anxious, or need attention. However, Senegal parrots are well-loved in the bird community thanks to their overall quietness as well as their calm temperaments. Instead of screaming like many parrots love to do, Senegals prefer to whistle or make clucking noises. Senegals have dark gray heads, a yellow chest, and a green neck and wings. An adult Senegal parrot is usually about nine inches long. They can be a bit stubborn and are known for sometimes getting nippy if they are unhappy about something. It is generally recommended that these birds have a spacious enclosure or aviary to live in, as they need room to fly and play, which, in turn, helps improve their attitudes! However, most adore their owners and want nothing more than to spend all day long with them.


Caique parrots

Caique parrots

Caiques are relatively quiet when they are compared to some of the larger parrot breeds. However, they are still able to produce a very high-pitched call, so this will be important to keep in mind for an apartment setting. Many folks love these parrots due to their energetic and outgoing personalities. There are two different kinds of Caique parrots. There is the Black-headed Caique and the White-bellied Caique. Both are considered to be medium-sized birds and have short tails. Upon reaching maturity, they typically are around nine to ten inches in length and weigh about five to six grams. In captivity, they can live upwards of thirty years. One unique trait of Caiques is that many of them like to sleep while they are on their backs, as well as play with their toys by using their feet while they are on their backs. And even more interestingly, many owners believe that the way their Caique smells can be an indicator of its health! If the bird smells sweet, they are happy, and if the bird seems sad or down, owners report that the bird has an almost cardboard-like scent to it.


Red-bellied parrots

Red-bellied parrots

Red-bellied parrots, sometimes called red-bellied conures or Absynnian parrots, are native to East Africa. They are small to medium-sized birds. When they reach maturity at about 12 months of age, they will typically be somewhere between eight and ten inches in length. The males are famous for their red or dark orange bellies with a pale bluish-colored bottom area, while the females have a gray upper breast and pale green lower breast that sometimes has a faint orange color to it as well. Red-bellied parrots are one of the best parrot breeds for apartments since they are often described as being relatively quiet but do produce a variety of pleasant sounds. Some can learn a limited vocabulary, but this is not something they are greatly known for. Most people adore them because of their social nature. In the wild, red-bellied parrots have a lifespan of about 15 years. However, in captivity, they can live up to 30 years with proper care. They are highly social animals and do best when their owner is able to spend a significant amount of time at home with them.


Mini macaws

Mini macaws

There are several different variations of macaws that exist today. Adult Blue and Gold macaws can be as much as 30 to 36 inches in length. Full-grown mini macaws are typically about 11 to 12 inches in length. With the mini macaws, owners can get all the best qualities of macaws, like their adaptable and playful personalities, in a much smaller package. The mini macaws usually do quite well as parrots for apartment settings. They are usually quieter than their larger counterparts. They usually prefer to sing a nice little song every once in a while, as opposed to screaming like they are at a rock concert. Overall, mini macaws are generally less demanding than larger macaws, but they still require a significant amount of care and attention. Their playful nature can become mischievous very quickly, so it will be important to provide plenty of toys, activities, and socialization so your bird doesn't become bored. Mini macaws, though, of course, smaller than other macaws, still require plenty of space to fly and exercise. There are several different types of mini macaws, including the blue-headed macaw, the golden-collared macaw, and the chestnut-fronted macaw.


Caring for a bird in an apartment setting

When caring for a parrot in an apartment setting, it's important to provide a large enough cage with plenty of perches and toys to allow your bird to exercise and stay entertained. Noise can be a concern in an apartment, so try to locate the cage in a location where it will be less likely to disturb others. A healthy diet is essential, so offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables as well as a high-quality pellet-based diet. Avoid relying on seeds and nuts as the main part of the diet, as they are high in fat and can lead to obesity. Parrots are social animals and need plenty of interaction and attention from their owners, so make sure to spend time with your bird every day and provide mental and physical stimulation. To ensure your bird's safety, keep windows and doors closed to prevent escapes, and be mindful of any toxic plants or household items that could be harmful. With the right care, your parrot can thrive in an apartment setting.

Other things to consider


If you are considering getting a parrot, it's a good idea to do some research and make sure you are fully prepared to provide a safe, healthy, and enriching environment for your bird. It's also a good idea to check with your landlord or building manager before getting a parrot or any other pet. Some landlords may have specific policies regarding pets, or they may require you to get permission before bringing a pet into the apartment. Also, consider who your neighbors are. If your neighbors have a tendency to be fussy about noises coming from your apartment, a bird may not be your best choice!



In conclusion, parrots can make wonderful pets for apartment dwellers as long as their unique needs are properly met. Providing a large cage with plenty of perches and toys, a healthy diet, and plenty of socialization and attention are all important considerations. It's also important to check with your landlord and make sure you have the time, resources, and commitment to care for a parrot properly. With the right care, a parrot can thrive in an apartment setting and bring joy and companionship to their owner.


Why is a parrot a good pet?

Parrots can make great pets for a number of reasons. Here are some of them:

They are intelligent: Parrots are known for their high level of intelligence, and they can be trained to do a variety of tricks and behaviors. This makes them entertaining and engaging pets.

They can be very social: Many species of parrots are highly social and enjoy interacting with humans and other birds. They can form strong bonds with their owners and become very attached to them.

They are long-lived: Many species of parrots can live for several decades, which means they can be lifelong companions for their owners.

They are colorful: Parrots come in a wide variety of bright and beautiful colors, which makes them visually appealing and attractive as pets.

They can be great talkers: Many species of parrots are known for their ability to mimic human speech and other sounds. This can be a fun and entertaining aspect of owning a parrot.

Can you have a parrot in an apartment?

While all parrots can be noisy at times, some species tend to be quieter than others. Here are some of the quieter parrot species:

Pionus parrots: These birds are known for their soft, low-pitched voices and are generally less vocal than other parrot species.

Quaker parrots: Also known as monk parakeets, these birds have a relatively calm disposition and tend to make less noise than other parrots.

Bourke's parrots: These birds have a gentle, melodious chirp and are generally considered to be one of the quieter parrot species.

African grey parrots: While these birds are known for their ability to mimic human speech, they tend to be quieter than other parrots and can be trained to speak at a low volume.

Which parrot is the quietest?

Yes, it is possible to keep a parrot in an apartment, but there are some considerations to keep in mind.

Firstly, parrots require a lot of space to move around and play. It's important to make sure that the parrot has enough space in its cage to stretch its wings and move around comfortably. It's also a good idea to provide the parrot with a play area outside of the cage, where it can interact with toys and exercise.

Secondly, parrots can be noisy, especially during certain times of the day. It's important to consider the noise level and how it may affect your neighbors. Some parrot species are quieter than others, so it's important to research the noise level of the species you are interested in.

Thirdly, parrots can produce a lot of dust and dander, which can affect people with allergies. It's important to keep the parrot's living area clean and well-ventilated to minimize the amount of dust and dander.