

Canaries are certainly among the most popular ornamental poultry. Birdie is very taxing on that allows you to keep and successfully breed her to millions of people. Homeland canaries - forests Canary Islands and the north-west coast of Africa, a predominantly warm and dry climate. Domestication canaries goes far back in history to the XV century, when the Canaries were conquered by the Spaniards, their attention was drawn to the singing bird small sizes, which publishes the trill so that gladdened the soul.

The plumage of wild canary yellow-green with a dark belly. In Russia the first canaries brought in three hundred years, and the bird immediately won the hearts of many people. Divorce engaged in across the country, but most famous cities such as Moscow, Tula, Kiev, Pavlov. Experts highly prized bird, they tried to bring new breeds have changed their singing. Particular attention was paid to the singing of birds, and not appearance. So there are two kinds of singing in canaries: dudochnoe and ovsyanichnoe. Dudochnoe singing is characterized by gentle, melodious and sonorous voice, but never harsh. For ovsyanichnogo singing characterized by an open beak in tune. Canary dudochnogo same tune reproduce sounds with a closed beak, but now it is very rare.

Canary - is poultry, which is well tamed and easy to propagate. Keep it can be in any of the cells, whether it is metal, wood, Plexiglas cage. The cell can be any size, but the only condition - the bird should be easy to navigate through it. All canaries big fans of swimming. Therefore, the cell must be regularly put Bathing with clean, fresh water. As with any other domestic birds in the cage should always be present river sand, small particles which are swallowed canaries and serve as millstones when eating. In the cage to put the crushed shell of boiled eggs, and activated carbon.

Canaries like grain feed, a mixture which can be prepared very easily. Sufficiently mixed in equal proportions, rape, millet, canary seed. You can add a small amount of marijuana and seeds. Fit almost any vegetables and fruits, except dill, parsley and other seasonings.

Acquire the best young canary, energetically jumping from perch to perch. Do not buy a bird ruffled, sluggish, hiding his head in the plumage.

Easy to breed canaries. Male, ready to breed, all their actions shows all its beauty, jumping from perch to perch, stretching and taking care of the female. The female on the contrary, tries to stay away from him, from time to time attacking. If there comes a mutual understanding between them, the female begins to arrange well the dwelling, carrying leaves, grass and other material. Cup-shaped nest in the canaries form. The first egg appears in 6-10 days after mating. Egg is usually from two to six, but sometimes even more. Only the female incubates the eggs. The first chicks are two weeks later and concerns from parents increases. Dining at this time to diversify soft feeds: various cereals, finely chopped boiled eggs, carrots, white bread.

The chicks grow very quickly and within a week they have a tail. After two weeks, they can already fly out of the nest. Concerns at this stage are passed on to the male and the female is preparing for the next clutch. The beginning of spring - the best time for breeding, when daylight prolonged and plenty of sun. Singing in young males appear within three months, and six months later their song sformirovyvaetsya completely. Canary's very easy to reproduce the songs of other birds, and in rare cases, and human speech.